Join the Illuminati Riches
Organization Today

Join Now And Free Yourself From Government Harassment, Be A Famous Artist Protect Your Family, Get Rich, Get Good Health, Protect Your Company/Business, Get Knowledge, Fame, Win All The Games And Political Race, And More You Will Find Out When Become One of Us


The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites the influence of all political, religious and geographic backgrounds to promote the prosperity of the human species as a whole.

We appreciate your interest in our organization. Use our website for details about our members, contact information, how to join the illuminati, our beliefs, archives, messages and much more.




What are new members receive after joining Us

Get this benefit today when you join us

1. A cash reward (welcome ransom) of $9,000,000 USD
2. A stylish new dream car worth $201,000
3. A Dream House purchased in the country of your choice.
4. A month’s vacation (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination (where you’ve always dreamed of visiting)
5. One year subscription to the golf club
6. V.I.P treatment in all airports in the world
7. A total lifestyle change
8. Access to all the superstars and mega superstars in the world

9. An international bank account created by US international globalism (you can use this account in all banks in the world and anywhere in the world too).
10. Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD in your account
bank account every month
11. A very powerful talisman and ring of supremacy (offered to you for magical and protective purposes)
12.Your illuminati member ID that has various accessories and benefits around the world
13. A green card given by the US government (making you a full citizen of America) authorized by the illuminati world organization

Our core beliefs



Money is not the root of all evil, but the path to freedom. The selfish pursuit of money is an empty goal, but the pursuit of the goodness that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities.



Living human beings evolve at an accelerated pace and continue to advance their capabilities through study, practice, and self-improvement. The human species is guarded by a coalition of its most elite members called the Illuminati.



Every human being is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and direction in the midst of decisions. All human spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways that differ only in form and function.



Each human being is a part of a greater and eternal design, individual cogs in a clock that has no end. Although they may never realize it, the actions of one person have the power to alter the future of the entire world. Join us today.

Purpose of the Illuminati

Ensuring the survival of more than 7 billion people is a daunting undertaking. Our obligation to this planet has spanned hundreds of years and supports even the most established government substances. To continue working through cultural and generational changes, Illuminati activities regularly require darkness for both our individuals and our work. In 2013, the Illuminati approved the arrangement of the Department of Citizen Outreach. Through different activities and battles, including this site, the Illuminati vanguard has invested in promoting our partnership with our residents.

Member Benefits

Millions of people from all walks of life are engaged in the worldwide work of the Illuminati to improve the human species. By renouncing all divisions of religious, geographic, or political belief, members of the Illuminatiam strive to form a planet where all people, everywhere, can live in abundance and be protected from outside attacks. How to join the Illuminati online.


As a result of our decision to implement this compensation/reward method for our members, the fellowship has established a dedicated committee of trusted members to ensure that all members receive their financial rewards. The committee meets every week to evaluate the current situation.

The talisman

Strikingly unique, the Illuminati Talisman is a symbol of humanity’s supreme purpose. Elite individuals of all stripes carry the Talisman as a mark of prestige and global unity of the human species.


Rings of Light

Get first-hand accounts of Illuminati good deeds.

A few words from some of our new members

The Illuminati have touched the lives of many people who have never stayed the same. From famous super stars to powerful politicians, they all have one thing in common: their lives only changed when they met the Illuminati. The faint-hearted fled, and their names were never mentioned again in the archives of the Great Ones.

Minerval member

I am now in the light and must serve others through my work and service.

Minerval member

Since joining the illuminati, my understanding of life as a whole has changed. I feel like a completely different person today. Where I was lost and alone, I’ve found not only a community but also a family that looks after me…

Minerval member

“My political dream came true. I won the local seat. Thanks to the powers you have bestowed upon me, I am now that leader who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. I will continue to be a lantern for my constituents, guiding them to great prosperity, abundance and happiness.”

Novice Member

I salute the illuminati, following the light is the best decision I’ve made for my life and my soul. It has propelled my career and business to the top. I have what others only dream of. I salute The Light

Novice Member

To be part of something so big is a blessing. We see our dreams come true. Everything I want, I have, I’m rich and powerful physically and spiritually. The Illuminati have given me a new life. I salute the light

Novice Member

My business will soon be international. The tools, materials and secrets I received from the illuminati have enabled me to launch profitable ventures. I’ve learned that greatness is not what you are, but what you believe you can become. I salute the light.

What do you want to know about the Illuminati

Minerval member

I am now in the light and must serve others through my work and service.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Illuminati

The man who seeks to join the Illuminati Headquarters  must agree to abide by its customs and traditions, hope to place his knowledge at the service of mankind, and seek the privileges of membership without underlying motives or expectations of material gain.

If you know a member or a Grand Master, contact him and tell him you’d like to join the organization. He won’t ask you to join, but he’ll be happy to help you once you’ve expressed your interest.

You can submit your membership application online. A representative of the Grand Lodge of the Illuminati of the United States or a Grand Master will contact you to discuss your application and initiation.

Yes, each lodge sets its own dues for new members. In addition, members pay an annual fee to finance lodge activities.

Initiation fee: The lodge charges an initiation fee for each of the three Illuminati degrees: The Nursery, The Masonic Grades and The Mysteries. As a general rule, this fee must be paid before a degree can be conferred. Each lodge sets the amount of the fee for its degrees. One of the questions a man may be asked when seeking to join the lodge is whether he can pay this fee without hurting or depriving his family. If paying these fees is a hardship, he is encouraged to wait until his financial situation improves.

Annual lodge dues: Every Illuminati member must pay annual dues to maintain his or her membership in good standing. This amount is paid each year before the annual lodge meeting and election of officers. Typical lodge dues depend on the lodge’s activities and location. Lodges with active social and family programs, or with buildings to maintain, may levy higher annual dues.

Sometimes a member has difficulty paying dues due to job loss, medical expenses or other financial difficulties. In such cases, the Lodge will work with the member to accommodate his or her personal situation. The Lodge’s goal is to ensure that every member remains an active member.

There are three ways to pay your lodge dues:

Your lodge will send you a membership renewal notice. Renewals will be sent by e-mail (if you are registered on your Grand View account) and by mail. Lodge dues must be paid by members.
You can pay your dues in 2 different ways:
Pay via Crypro Currency.
Pay by credit card on our website.
Log in to your Grand View account
Once logged in, you’ll see a banner indicating that you have a balance to pay with a button to “pay now” – click on the “pay now” button.
You will then be asked to enter your credit card details and confirm your payment.
Once you’ve paid, you’re ready for a bright new year!

The Illuminati is a secret society that has been the driving force behind world events for centuries. Welcome to the Society of the Illuminati, an exclusive and highly prestigious organization made up of the world’s most influential people who hold the keys to global power and influence.

Yes, the Illuminati are a true secret society of elites who consult and discuss the events that shape the world.

The Illuminati is made up of members from all walks of life. From the highest position of president to the lowest level of beggar, the Illuminati have members all over the world.



The Eye of Providence

Living human beings evolve at a rapid rate and can continue to improve their abilities through study, practice, and the will to improve.


The eternal circle

The Illuminati and the Eternal Circle Each human being is part of a larger, eternal project – individual gears in a clock that has no end.


The pyramid

The Illuminati and Wealth In popular culture, emphasis is placed on the Illuminati’s belief that money is not evil.


the light

The Illuminati and the Light Since their inception, members of the Illuminati have guided Earth’s most dominant creature through periods of interpersonal chaos.


the obelisk

THE OBELISK An obelisk is a tapered tower that appears as a tall, thin column with a pyramid at its top. Hundreds of obelisks are scattered all over the world.

the crossed keys

Where to join the Illuminati | How to join the Illuminati | Join the secret society The crossed keys Where to join the Illuminati – The symbol of

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